The Nuances of Farming: Why GMO-Free, Grass-Fed, and Pasture-Raised Matter

by FarmClub Editorial

Industrialized animal farming continues to supply the large demand for animal products. Even so, this traditional way involves concerning issues such as chemical use and inhumane practices. That is why many consumers are thinking about healthier and safer alternatives.

Choosing the right type of animal product is important for your health. Knowing more about GMO-free, grass-fed, and pasture-raised animal products allows for making more informed decisions about what to put on the table.


You may have encountered GMO-free products at your local supermarket. Placing a “GMO-free” label on an animal product shows that its ingredients have tested negative for DNA or proteins from GMOs in a PCR test.

Although this product may have genetically engineered components, the lab analysis will not detect any GMO components. This is because the high level of processing has already removed all traces of genetically modified proteins or DNA.


The “grass-fed” label is for meat and dairy from an animal that only fed on forage or grass the moment weaning stops. The feed for these animals has forbs, grass, or grain plants in their vegetative state. The animal sources of grass-fed meat do not eat grain or any grain byproduct.

Studies show that grass-fed meat is healthier than grain-fed meat or dairy. It contains less fat, which means that you get fewer calories from it. You can also get more antioxidants from eating this type of animal product.

Most people prefer real food. Grass-fed meat and dairy are from animals that ate natural food. Herbs and grass are more natural than soy or corn.


Labeling meat, eggs, or dairy “pasture-raised” means that the animal source was raised on grass pasture. This label also shows that the animal ate grass, herbs, and other natural food sources in the area.

For Eggs

Studies reveal that 90% of egg-providing hens stay in cramped spaces all their lives. These chickens do not roam around a natural environment.

On a pasture, hens can eat insects, scratch the ground, and harvest seeds, which make their eggs more nutritious. Research findings show that the eggs from pasture-raised hens have higher levels of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

For Meat and Dairy

Agricultural studies reveal that 80.1% of dairy cows do not grow on a pasture. Instead, they stay in confined spaces and eat soy or corn with hay so that they can produce more milk.

When these farm animals stay on a pasture, they gain more nutrition from eating natural grass and herbs. This results in healthier and even tastier meat, milk, and milk products.

GMO-Free, Grass-Fed, and Pasture-Raised Are Healthier, Safer Options

Knowing that your food comes from chemical-free, happy farms can give you peace of mind because of the good food that you serve. You and your household will stay healthier with chemical-free meats, eggs, and dairy products. Choosing GMO-free, grass-fed, or pasture-raised products can improve your food choices as well.

For your next trip to the supermarket, be mindful of the labels. This can help you create a more fortifying menu for you and your family.

Get your GMO-free, grass-fed, or pasture-raised meat, eggs, and dairy products from Farm Club Meats and enjoy the perks of healthy eating.